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Showing posts from 2012

A little bit of Ladakh

Who among us has not had the odd flight of fancy, yearning to get past our daily lives and be transported to mysterious, faraway lands? Go tumbling down the rabbit hole, perhaps, like Alice into Wonderland, or walk the lands of middle earth with Frodo. Who among us has not had a lump in our throat as we watched intrepid explorers scale jagged peaks, or traverse the long grass of the Savannah? The quest for travel, exploration & nature is one of the more enduring legacies of Man, one that’s buried deep within all of us. My own secret destination, closer to home perhaps than the Shire, but none the less alluring for it, has always been Ladakh. I was hooked when I chanced upon photos of a seemingly magical land – towering mountains, pristine lakes and surreal landscapes. A place so unlike anything I’d ever seen before that it was hard to believe it existed on the same planet, leave alone the same country. But exist it does. In a little corner of Kashmir bordering China & ...

Reflections on wheels

Riding is one of those things that I find naturally, instinctively appealing. It’s not so much something that defines you, but something that lives within you. The characteristics that define me as a biker are there, have always been there, I think, in me. The physical act is just something that opens the door to those parts of me. It lets me do what I want to do and be who I want to be. And yet, when in conversation someone refers to me as “a biker”, I find it vaguely distasteful. It immediately serves to brand me with a certain stereotype. A rebel perhaps, or a braggart, or a wannabe cool dude, and more often than not something of an oddity. None of which is true. Biking is no more an unnatural act than, for instance, gardening, and is no more rebellious than watching a play is rebellious. It’s not all about high-brow philosophy and Pirsiguesque thoughts, of course. I love all of the little things, starting from the envious little sideward glances I get from fellow commuters as the...