These past several days haven’t been kind to me. Ok, confession, it’s actually several weeks. Or months, maybe. Or…gasp, shudder…maybe even a year or two. Before I get all carried away and bang my head on the table and wonder what the fuck I’m doing with my life, I just wanted to clarify that, well…these right here are unkind days. It’s been ages since I’ve answered nature’s call. You’d be frustrated, too, if, like me, you simply could not bring yourself to go. Each time I make an attempt and get so close to the moment of cathartic release I could practically smell it, something crops up that makes me painfully withdraw. Oh wait…I didn’t mean, you know, that nature’s call. I was being more literal. Like being out in real nature. Trees and stuff. And the smell, you know, of grass and hills. Not, umm, the smell of the release…if that’s what you were thinking. Well, anyways, leaving all that behind…aside, I mean…the point is I haven’t traveled for as...