I suppose everyone’s heard of writer’s block right? That mysterious psychological ailment that strikes the Jeffery Archer types, making their normally fluid pen-wielding hand go all limp and lifeless….in the process causing the masses untold misery in waiting for the next publication? Ok….so obviously you have, but has anyone ever heard of a much more infrequent ailment…speaker’s block? No, I don’t mean the stage-fright induced cant-open-my-mouth feeling, the one that causes your mouth to go dry, your knees to become wobbly blobs of jelly, your body to go all aquiver, and having that general feeling of wanting to sink beneath the podium and die greatly enhanced by the fact that your heart has miraculously transformed from living tissue to a ball of lead…..no, I don’t mean all of that, although as you can see I have had some considerable experience with all of the above. I mean the equally upsetting but less talked about one, of your desperately wanting to say something but your brain g...